Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Local-What Can individuals Do About Gangs?

Individuals in society are a huge factor in preventing gangs. The family can do an assortment of things to help prevent a child to turning to gangs. After school programs are a great way to prevent such matters, but that might not be the only thing that can be done. The Juvenile Justice Bulletin (http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/182210.pdf) stated that "Clearly, there is no one “magic bullet” program or “best practice” for preventing gang affiliation and gang-associated violence." This doesnt mean that we should slow down our efforts in creating after school programs for children. These impresionable years are when parents have a large influence on their children and can keep them in after school activities. After school activities also prevent drug use and gang related violence. Programs like The institute of Self Esteem and Evaluation is a program that parents can get involved with to help prevent Gang violence. Some commmuntitys get involved with parents by creating material for parents to help recognize when their children may be turning to gangs. (http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/POLICE/gangfaqs.html)

1. Don't ignore your suspicions, talk to your child.

2. Watch for some of the signs mentioned previously.

3. Listen to conversations your child has with friends or new acquaintances.

4. Check your child's room periodically for signs and symbols.

5. Talk to your child's teachers about your suspicions.

6. Divert your child's attention away from friends unknown to you and into other activities.

7. Ask for help from the many community agencies.

8. Call the police. We will respond to your questions and if desired talk with you and child about gangs.

1 comment:

bug said...

After school programs goes back to private, public and special education. And education goes back to money. It makes sense that there is a lot of gangs where there is poverty. But if you think about it, an education will probably give you a better chance of getting a good job, and making money to send your kids to school and after school programs. YAY!