A cool documentary that gives a look into the blood and crip war and gangster lifestyle.

This is a classic picture of Al Capone, the man that arguably ignited the "gangster image" in America
The Movie "Gangs of New York" gives us a great clip of the famous American Gangs the Dead Rabbits and the Bowery Boys
The history of gangs in America first evolved from the days of the Wild West and legendary outlaws such as The James Gang, Billy the Kid and other wanted criminal groups. The Wild West in those days was corrupt, lawless, and kill-or-be-killed for many of people trying to survive and settle there. Men had to learn to kill and join in groups for protection, and their fearless and ruthless images seemed to stick in the American culture and carry on into later years.
Then came the the huge immigration boom in the late 1800's. Immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Israel, Germany, and other European nations flowed into American ports such as New York and suddenly were forced to live together. Most of the time they divided by race and formed gangs for support and protection from the other immigrants. Many of the first gangs were created because they needed economic stability and a way to make in in the new world. With their new gangs, it became possible to run buisnesses such as gambling, drug trafficking, and prostitution operations to make quick money. Through this racial and ethnic melting pot, Irish gangs, Jewish gangs, Italian gangs, and Polish gangs formed and the true "gangs of New York" were born. Some of the better known gangs and their nationalities were:
-Whyos (Irish)
-Forty Thieves (Irish/Italian)
-Dead Rabbits (Irish)
-Plug Uglies (Irish)
-Monk Eastmen gang (jewish)
-James street gang (Italian)
-Bowery Boys (Anti-Immigrant gang)
Probably the most famous gang of all in NY was the 5 Points Gang. Born from one of the poorest ghettos in NY, "a steady stream of Irish thugs, Jewish racketeers, and Italian hit men who would make organized crime a permanent part of the American scene." The trouble really started when soon after, crooked politicians realized they could control the elections and voters if they paid off or bribed the gangs with protection, money, police support, etc. In 1863, the famous "Draft Riots" began when ghetto inhabitants and gang members like the 5 points members felt that there was an unfair percentage of them being drafted for in union in the Civil War. These gangsters revolted, destroyed property, and burned down buildings for 5 days in the middle of NY. More and more immigrant youth began joining the 5 Points or one of its many junior gangs, and the violence escalated. The 5 Points Gang was started by an Itallian Immigrant named Paul Kelly aka Paolo Antonio Vacarelli. Through his recruiting, famous gangsters such as Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, and Bugsy Siegel get their start.
From here, Al Capone and the American gangster image took off. From 1920-1930 more and more street gangs were popping up in the low income areas of the united states. Big urban cities with large ghettos like New York and Chicago began to see Asians, African Americans, and Latinos forming street gangs like their Irish, and European gang ancestors had before them. In 1969, the Crips and Bloods of Los Angeles, CA first started organizing.In response to other gangs around and the Black Panther movement, a man named Raymond Washington organized what would later become the Crips. As they grew, many smaller gangs joined in the poor city streets of LA. The crips became so large that they outnumbered other gangs 3:1. With an imbalance of Crip influence, many angry gangsters decided they needed to create a new alliance to combat the Crips powerful influence. Crips were famous for wearing blue bandanas so this new group decided to wear the opposite, red, and the bloods of LA began.
Other gangs that have sprung up in the last 50 years are the Latin Kings, Surenos, Ms 13, Black gangster disciples, Black Guerillas, La Familia, Nuestra Familia, Vatos Locos. Most of them can now be found in any city in America with a large population of low income housing (large ghetto areas)
1 comment:
I was reading that a lot of refugees from Cuba came during the Mariel Boatlift. On Gangland on the history channel they said King Blood from the Latin Kings came during the exodus and helped start up the Latin Kings in NYC when he caused too much trouble in Chicago.
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